Development done right.

Release: [Games] Horned

[Achievement unlocked: First Ludum Dare Compo]

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Release: [Tools] BioLU

A few days ago I got asked for a script that searches for folders with only one file in them, moves them one level up and deletes the empty directory afterwards. Well, I actually had a script that moves all files from any subdirectory to the top-level. Not really the same thing… So I took a few minutes and the tool I was asked for, tested it and later decided to share it. So, here’s BioLU, free, open source and available for download here. Sadly Windows only this time, but sure better than nothing.

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Release: [Games] TwistedP

Relatively spontaneous I decided to take part in the 58th Mini-Ludum Dare. It was not only my first LD, but also the first game jam ever I participated in.

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